Monday, August 10, 2009

Water, water, everywhere

90 miles--After a night of simultaneous lightning and thunder, wind and rain, we awoke to a water soaked tent and sleeping bags, after drying them out ,sort of, we got under way only to have to divert around Silver Creek due to the creek overflowing. Then 5 more miles we came to a washed out bridge, so we made another detour in the car on the thruway that has exits few and far between. We made it to Buffalo and found directions at Berts bikes- they gave us direct route to the Falls- crossing the Peace Bridge and a ride along the shoreline in Canada. Niagra Falls - now that is a lot of water could probably refill Lake Mead in a short time. And in honor of our French neighbors...
Adieu, adieu, to lyou, and you, and you! ( name that tune/movie)


  1. Sound of Music...the scene where the kids sing good night to the party...i can't believe you guys are already in new york! I can't wait to see all of your pictures! We are in Oregon and Andrew landscaped his brother's yard.

  2. We found pictures of the Falls on the computer.
    Hannah says: "I like the waterfalls. Did you get wet in the waterfall."
    Spencer says: "Was there any fish there? I like waterfalls."
