Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 33 Pemigewasset River Triatlon

300 meter swim 1st out of water and T1, 21 mile bike 1st in & out of T2, 1 mile run 1st at the finish. Thus concludes the trigator Epic Trathlon Across America. We arrived in Gunstock about noon, checked in and set up our camp site.
Went for a swim at Lake Winnipesaukee, then drove the bike course. Will ride part of course in the morning then drive to Portsmorth, NH, Massachusetts, and Maine.
It is amazing to look back and recall all the beautiful parts of this country we have journeyed thru, the Rockies at 12000 feet, the flats across Nebraska, great riding in Iowa, historic Nauvoo/Carthage in Illinois along with it's Gotham like buildings in Chicago Heights, nice roads in Indiana, then flat tires in Ohio along with contrasts between communities, Pennsylvania and New York great riding and history, the hills of Vermont, and now sitting at the Lake remembering...
"Good night and good luck" (name the movie)


  1. Isn't there a movie called "Good Night and Good Luck"? That would be the movie i would name...

  2. Anabelle says," Go Gampa, GO!". She also says, " pshoo-pshoo-pshooo-pshooo" (she's playing with a nerf gun)

  3. Spencer says: "I like swimming and riding my bike too. Good luck in your race."
    Hannah yells: "It's my turn to say something! I like to go swimming. I love you!"
    "B Swift"

    - Renee AND CASSIE T
